There is a sweet little horse named Oliver, Ollie to his friends. One day, a woman named Isabel McKay (Izzy to all!) saw Ollie and fell in love. He was not quite 3 years old and was at a show driving in Maine. The rest is history. Ollie is a Gypsy/Haflinger cross, about 14h tall and wide. He rides and drives and doesn't realize he's a horse. More like a black lab dog. Ollie spent winters in Florida with Sandy Welsh (Aunt Sandy to Ollie) learning to be a big boy. Sandy had rented farms for about 6 years, changing almost every year due to owners' circumstances. Izzy decided that Ollie needed a permanent home and that she would like to come down more often, too! After searching many properties, in 2018, Acadia Acres was born. Starting with just 3 homes, 10 acres, and a small barn, it was the beginning of a dream come true for Sandy, and a winter home for Ollie. It’s since grown as we’ve built the beautiful Baxter Barn, and added another house and apartment to the property.
People keep asking "What's Acadia" and why? Izzy and Sandy and Ollie are all Mainers from the beginning. The great state of Maine and its serene coast include Acadia National Park and Cadillac Mountain are synonymous with the name Maine. Maine is welcoming and pretty with scenery, flowers, mountains, and friendly people. What better name for a farm in Florida but Acadia Acres! Welcome to a delightful farm with friendly people and incredible facilities! We hope you'll join us.